Parenting On Movies

Many parents these days opt to use video games, movies, and television as preferred forms of entertainment for their child. This is partly because it is more convenient for the parents. However, the problem is that these forms of entertainment do not really do a great job at teaching the child to be creative. Toys are much better for that. It is better to try to limit the child's exposure to television and instead encourage them to find ways to entertain themselves using toys.

Being around your children a lot can be very stressful. Make sure you take time out for you. Plan a dinner date with a good friend, go for a long walk to go to the movies by yourself. That little time away will be enough for your to recharge and be the best parent you can be.

Don't watch scary movies with your children! Studies have found that scary movies cause children to suffer from nightmares, phobias, and a need to be attached to their parents. Wait until they're old to enough to handle the scary images or you might inflict them with permanent fears into their adult life.

A parent's job is never done, but making it through those first 18 years is a not so difficult. There are a million things that we can learn about how to parent but the most important thing is that whatever you do, you do with love. Keep learning, and keep loving and your kids will be the better for it.

After Earth Trailer 2013

I simply cannot tell if this movie is going to be worthwhile or not. It seems like a ploy, and nothing else. Like the studios said: "Will Smith and his son! How can this go wrong?

It can go wrong by you taking away any sort of good writing and making it a movie that has nothing going for it but to see Will Smith and his son!

Horror Movies

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Monday, on the Road For Work

Feeling a little lonely traveling by mylself :(


Traveling to NY for work

So we are officially going to NY next month for a series of corporate events. I have some planning to do, but it isn't so bad. I went with PlanitCity for the planning. They take care of nearly everything for me.

Beautiful Picture to Inspire Your Day

Three Rivers, CA